The solution

Produce electronic kanban solutions

Superkanban electronic Kanban is introduced through four main categories: Task Kanban, Schedule Kanban, Performance Kanban, and Equipment Kanban. Kanban real-time and comprehensive control of factory operation. The system is mainly composed of three parts, one is the data source, and the data source can be divided into automatic collection and manual entry of two cases; The second part is the WEB management terminal, the role of the management terminal is mainly used for data management and statistical analysis report view and other operations; The third part is the information display terminal, the commonly used hardware has LCD screen, LED screen, tablet, mobile phone, etc. Hume Light system

superkanban Introduction to electronic kanban

    SuperKanban An electronic bulletin boardThrough four main categories: task Kanban, Schedule Kanban, performance Kanban, equipment Kanban. Kanban real-time and comprehensive control of factory operation。The system is mainly composed of three parts, one is the data source, and the data source can be divided into automatic collection and manual entry of two cases; The second part is the WEB management terminal, the role of the management terminal is mainly used for data management and statistical analysis report view and other operations; The third part is the information display terminal, the commonly used hardware has LCD screen, LED screen, tablet, mobile phone, etc。

Call us Andon system(On-site collaborative quick response)

      The on-site rapid response system is used for collaborative treatment of cross-post and cross-department problems in production process design, logistics, technology, behavioral operation, product quality, equipment, safety and other types of problems. Solve abnormal alarm and quick response to solve, realize the function of step by step reporting, realize the visual display of abnormal, the leadership can know the production status of the factory in the first time。

"Master the production process at any time, monitor the process progress in real time, obtain the equipment status at any time, and monitor the employee performance in real time"

MetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMSProduction electronic kanban function brief introduction:

Production scheduling information:

Date and time, production line type, project number, number of personnel, person in charge, quantity of materials to be received, standard working hours (tempo), delivery time; Client set input modification, display terminal fixed display。

Data count acquisition:

Input quantity, actual completion, defective number and running time; Connect the data collector to the production device。

System automatic calculation:

Running rate, through rate, reach rate, expected completion; The system calculates automatically by formula

Running rate: formula (running time of the day/standard working time *100%) Through-rate: Formula (defective quantity of the day/input quantity *100%)

Achievement rate: formula (hidden order cumulative completion/input output *100%)

Estimated Completion: Formula (order number - Completion number)* Standard working hours /60 minutes; Show time

Monitor production equipment status:

When the equipment is abnormal, the staff should be reminded immediately and dealt with in time to avoid the extension of the construction period caused by the abnormal equipment, which can effectively improve production capacity and work efficiency。

Produce electronic kanban analysis function:

Production schedule analysis: Analyze daily production efficiency analysis, weekly production efficiency analysis and monthly production efficiency analysis;

Quality data analysis:Production quality summary analysis, order quality details project analysis, quality abnormal warning;

Equipment status analysis:Equipment operation rate analysis, equipment failure rate analysis, equipment running time analysis, equipment maintenance analysis;

Hour points kanban:Analyze daily, hourly and time period production efficiency analysis, weekly production efficiency analysis, monthly production efficiency analysis;

Quality data analysis:Production quality summary analysis, order quality details project analysis, quality abnormal warning analysis;

Workshop site electronic kanban board

MetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMS

Complete abnormal situation management in workshop siteMetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMS

Visual electronic Kanban system customization - support multi-terminal view


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